Step into the near future with 'Futuristic Fantasy: Jungle Crash,' our set design contest inspired by a (hypothetical) play set in the year 2024. Craft a visionary landscape that transports the audience to a lush jungle where a futuristic spaceship has crash-landed. Embrace the challenge of blending advanced technology with the natural environment, showcasing the wreckage of the spaceship amidst the foliage. With a make-believe budget of $15,000, unleash your creativity and ingenuity in bringing this futuristic vision to life. Join us in shaping a world where the boundaries of imagination meet the beauty of nature.
Jungle | Year 2024 | Crashed Spaceship | Futuristic Technology | Natural Environment
In the thrilling play 'Jungle Crash,' the near future collides with the untamed wilderness as a futuristic spaceship crashes into a remote jungle. Set against the backdrop of dense foliage and ancient ruins, the story follows the survivors as they navigate the wreckage of their ship and patience with each other. As characters struggle to survive in this hostile environment, our characters discover that the missiong may have been sabotaged and start to question each other's motives.
The play is set in a remote jungle, where the dense foliage and towering trees create an immersive backdrop for the futuristic wreckage of the crashed spaceship. You're encouraged to build a set that gives your imaginary director lots of options for both group and separate side conversations among the crew.
Your Extra Element:
Your extra challenge is to create a dramatic destruction sequence for the spaceship to be performed live on stage. Whether it's through creative use of props, special effects, or innovative stagecraft, let your design bring the destruction of the spaceship to life in a thrilling and visually stunning manner.
Our favorite 3 submissions will each receive a digital copy of the Beauty & The Beast Effects book.
Post your design to our Facebook Community in one single post which contains your 75 word description and up to 5 images of your design. You must include the EXACT hashtag below, or your entry will not be found of included.
Post Format (This helps us find the submissions and is super important!):
March 2024 - Futuristic Fantasy
**insert your 75 word description here**
**include up to 5 images**
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