Welcome to the comedic chaos of "Employee Lounge Lunacy: Retail Ruckus," our uproarious set design contest that turns the mundane employee lounge into a hilarious hub of hijinks and hilarity. Let your imagination run wild as you transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, crafting a space where laughter reigns supreme and every corner holds a comedic surprise.
Present Day | Retail Employee Lounge | Acentric Decor | Farse |
In the midst of the daily grind at the bustling retail store, rumors begin to swirl that the store's eccentric owner, Mr. Whimsy, has decided to sell the business to a mega-corporation known for its soulless approach to retail.
As the news spreads like wildfire among the employees, panic ensues in the employee lounge. The ever-optimistic Riley "The Rookie" Rivers proposes a plan to save the store by staging a grand protest in the employee lounge, complete with picket signs, chants, and a marching band made up of makeshift instruments.
Meanwhile, Max "The Manager" Montgomery frantically tries to keep the peace and prevent the protest from escalating into full-blown chaos. However, their efforts are thwarted at every turn by the mischievous Finn "The Prankster" Peterson, who sees the impending sale as an opportunity for a series of elaborate pranks and practical jokes.
Amidst the madness, Lola "The Lounge Lifer" Larson discovers a cryptic message hidden within the employee lounge—a clue that could hold the key to uncovering Mr. Whimsy's true intentions and saving the store from corporate takeover.
With time running out and tensions reaching a boiling point, the employees must band together to unravel the mystery, thwart Finn's antics, and stage the protest of a lifetime—all while navigating the absurdities of retail life in the employee lounge.
Filled with slapstick humor, witty banter, and unexpected twists and turns, "Employee Lounge Lunacy: Retail Ruckus" is a riotous comedy that celebrates the power of teamwork, friendship, and laughter in the face of adversity.
Your Extra Element:
The lounge should include at least one unconventional, and funny, way of entering and exiting. It could be a laundry shoot, a window (perhaps the door is broken and everyone just uses the window), etc. It needs to be strange, but justified enough to get away with it for comedy sake. It should be used at least once during the show.
Our favorite 3 submissions will each receive a free tshirt of their choosing from our
Post your design to our Facebook Community in one single post which contains your 75 word description and up to 5 images of your design. You must include the EXACT hashtag below, or your entry will not be found of included.
Post Format (This helps us find the submissions and is super important!):
March 2024 - Employee Lounge Lunacy
**insert your 75 word description here**
**include up to 5 images**
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